On 25th February 2000, a group of ten Masons established a new Lodge in the LaSafor Comarca of Valencia Province, which includes the town of Oliva.
Among the Provincial Officers pictured above is one of the original Consecrating Officers from that inaugural day. Can you guess who? (Answer below)
The first Worshipful Master, installed 25 years ago, was W. Bro. James Newsham. Since then, the Lodge has had 22 other Worshipful Masters. On Tuesday, February 25th, Bro. David Clarke was installed as the 23rd Worshipful Master of Oliva La Safor Lodge No. 112, in a ceremony attended by over 50 brethren at the Costa Nova Masonic Centre in Jávea.

After a splendid Installation ceremony, ably conducted by outgoing Worshipful Master W. Bro. Edward Childs, the brethren repaired to the El Campo Restaurant in Jávea for a sumptuous and thoroughly enjoyable Festive Board. The Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rodney Bignell congratulated David on his Installation and the whole of Oliva La Safor Lodge No 112 on their 25 years of service to Masonry in Valencia.

And last but not least, the Consecrating Officer 25 years ago was none other than our Deputy Provincial Grandmaster, R.W. Bro. Rodney Hales!